Last time I discussed Tips To Create an Authority Blog.
After a lot of research that I did I discovered that people don't like always visiting something that is already too common, something that they have seen somewhere else so we have to conquer this to make them always enjoy visiting our blog.
1) Identify Your Blogging Voice
Identifying your blogging voice means just simply blogging like you (casually). This does not mean you shouldn't blog carefully but don't always sound too official while blogging.
Always be yourself while blogging, this would make you unique and your readers would like you for who you are.
2) Be Everywhere
Being everywhere would make you able to reach out to potential readers and show off what you have got on your blog to people who might be interested in what you have to say. It simply means promoting your blog post for others to see.
To get this up and going you can write guest posts, comment on blogs with commentluv and keywordluv, e.t.c.
3) Give Away
You can give someone half a blog post, then tell them to sign up for your services to learn the rest. This is not about teasing and tantalizing. Standing out in your niche as a blogger means you actually have to provide some value, right here and now, through giving away your secrets of success.
4) Be Specific
Be specific in the sense that you have to face a problem you know your readers might be facing and make sure you tackle only that problem and not divert from one problem to another without giving a specific solution to your readers.
I hope I have been able to assist you with the tips placed here.
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